

12241284_784651148311516_7580106735636569840_nHigh Rocks provides program and organizational development consulting for those that want to do powerful work with young people, work at the intersection of community development and education, or run a strong non-profit business.

We can work with you to do program development, organizational development, strategic thinking, assessment, and coaching. Some of our clients have included the Reconnecting McDowell Project and the American Federation of Teachers, Marietta College, WV Wesleyan College, the McDonough Foundation, and Greenbrier Technologies & Electric.

"Greenbrier Technologies & Electric is a diverse business involved in different business areas which causes the internal workings to be very complicated. Sarah Riley did a workshop with our management team and broke it down into manageable areas to focus on. She helped us all get feelings and concerns out in the open and work through them. It is very helpful to have an outside facilitator/mediator to make this type of exercise productive. I would highly recommend a consultant from High Rocks to any growing business." – Bill Lenherr, President of Greenbrier Technologies & Electric